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“Reiki is Love, Love is wholeness, wholeness is balance, balance is wellbeing, well being is freedom from disease.”  Dr Mikao Usui

Would you like to:
  • Feel more balanced?
  • Attract more abundance?
  • Remove blockages?
  • Increase your manifestation abilities?
  • De-Stress
  • Lead a fulfilling life?
  • Balance your chakras
  • Take in charge of your health and immunity?
Reiki can help with the above and much more.

What is Reiki healing? 

Reiki is a Japanese word meaning Universal Life Energy. It is a form of healing that uses the energy that surrounds us to heal and to transform.

I become a reiki master 12 years ago and I can honestly say it’s been life changing. I was leading a life of quiet desperation, unhappy in so many aspects on of my life. Hitting a brick wall in relationships, job fulfilment, finances, family and self confidence. I got to a point that I didn’t want to carry on. Reiki came at the right time. It helped to balance myself, to heal and to bring into my life what I desired rather than the constant drama I used to attract. It took time but I honestly say its been life changing.

What is Reiki used for?

Reiki has many uses, it can be used to heal yourself, your family as well as balance your chakras (energy centres). In Reiki principles, it is believed that diseases are manifestations of imbalances in your chakra system (a description of which is found in chakras). Reiki can help to get the energy back in balance.

Reiki I

Reiki II

Reiki III

£150 One Day

Usui Reiki 1 Certification

Become a Reiki I healer, and use it on yourself and your family

Join Now

£200 One Day

Usui Reiki II Certification

Take your healing to the next level – become a healer

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£320 Two Days

Usui & Karuna Ki Reiki III

Join Usui & Karuna Ki Reiki III & Become a Reiki Master

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